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夜鹰教程网 来源:www.yyjcw.com 日期:2016-11-16 14:06:29
这篇文章不能解决你的问题?我们还有相关视频教程云课堂 全套前端开发工程师培训课程 微信号:yyjcw10000 QQ:1416759661 远程协助需要加QQ! 业务范围:视频教程|程序开发|在线解答|Demo制作|远程调试| 点击查看相关的视频教程。 技术范围:全端开发/前端开发/webapp/web服务/接口开发/单片机/C#/java/node/sql server/mysql/mongodb/android/。
on error resume next
Private d_exsit
Dim Retrieval
Dim Domain
Dim TakenHTML
Function GetURL(url)
Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
With Retrieval
.Open "GET", url, False, "", ""
GetURL = .ResponseText
End With
Set Retrieval = Nothing
End Function
Domain = Replace(Request.Form("domain"),"www.","") & "." & Request.Form("ext")
if Domain=".com" or Request.Form("domain")="" then
Response.Write ("<script>alert(’看看您什么忘记填写了?没有填写域名吧?’);javascript:history.back(1)</script>")
end if
’TakenHTML = GetURL("")
TakenHTML = GetURL("=" & Domain)
if InStr(TakenHTML,"No entries") > 1 then
Response.Write Domain & "出错了,请返回!<br><br>"
if InStr(TakenHTML,"No match") > 1 then %>
祝贺您,您想注册的域名 <% =Domain %> 还没有被注册<p><a href="#" onClick="MM_openBrWindow(’../formmail/domain.htm’,’’,’scrollbars=auto,width=500,height=500’)">
<% else %>
<font color="red"><br>很抱歉</font> 您想注册的域名 <% =Domain %> 已经被注册了!<p></p>请您换个域名再试</font>
<form method="post" action="search.asp" name="checkdomain" id=Form1>
type="text" name="domain" id=Text1>
<select name="ext" id=Select1>
<option value="com" selected>.com</option>
<option value="net">.net</option>
<option value="org">.org</option>
<option value="com.cn">.com.cn</option>
<option value="net.cn">.net.cn</option>
<option value="org.cn">.org.cn</option>
<option value="cc">.cc</option>
<option value="tv">.tv</option>
<option value="biz">.biz</option>
<option value="info">.info</option>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="查询" id=Submit1 onClick = "return submitchecken();">
<table><tr><td><PRE><% =dowith() %></PRE></td></tr></table></font>
<% end if
end if
Function dowith()
Dim lStrURL
Dim pagebefore
Dim pageafter
Dim tempcontent
Dim pagestart
Dim pageend
dim temps
pageafter = "<PRE>"
pagebefore = "</PRE>"
tempcontent = TakenHTML
if d_exsit<>0 then
pagestart = InStr(1,tempcontent, pageafter,1)
If pagestart = 0 Then
dowith = "<font color=""red"">意外的错误2!</font>"
d_exsit = 3
Exit Function
pagestart = pagestart + Len(pageafter) + 1
pageend = InStr(pagestart, tempcontent, pagebefore,1)
If pageend = 0 Then
dowith = "<font color=""red"">意外的错误!</font>"
d_exsit = 3
Exit Function
pageend = pageend - pagestart ’得到内容长度
tempcontent = Mid(tempcontent, pagestart, pageend)
End If
End If
Set pageregexp = New RegExp
pageregexp.Global = True
pageregexp.Pattern = "<[^>]*>"
tempcontent = pageregexp.Replace(tempcontent, "")
Set pageregexp = Nothing
dowith = tempcontent
End If
End Function
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